Schedule at glance

A final conference schedule. You can also take a look at the detailed conference schedule.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Time Session
07:30 AM Registration & Tea/Coffee
08:30 AM Welcome and opening remarks
09:00 AM Session #1: Global village
10:30 AM Morning tea
11:00 AM Session #2: Engagement
12:30 PM Lunch
01:30 PM Keynote 1: Professor Sugata Mitra
02:45 PM Afternoon tea
03:15 PM Session #3: Learner modelling
05:00 PM Break
05:30 PM Posters and Reception sponsored by Oracle Academy

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Time Session
07:30 AM Registration & Tea/Coffee
08:45 AM Opening remarks
08:45 AM Keynote 2: Professor Mike Sharples
10:00 AM Morning tea
10:30 AM Session #4: Automated assessment
12:30 PM Lunch
01:30 PM Session #5: Flipped sesison - crowdsourcing the feedback
03:00 PM Afternoon tea
03:30 PM Session #6: Flipped session - Outside the MOOC
04:30 PM Keynote 3: Professor Ken Koedinger
05:45 PM Closing remarks
06:00 PM Joint networking reception with LAK'16 conference (tickets required)