Building an Infrastructure for Computer Science Education Research and Practice at Scale
The full page for this workshop can be found at the SPLICE web site.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together the existing community of researchers working on the Infrastructure Design for Data-Intensive Research in Computer Science Education and a community of L@S researchers focused on CS Education. While both communities share many similar goals and could greatly benefit from each other work, the interaction between the communities is small. We hope that the proposed workshop will be instrumental in bringing together like-minded researchers from different communities, establishing collaboration, and expanding the scope of infrastructure project to address critical scaling issues.
Call for Participation
This workshop is organized by the SPLICE community (Standards, Protocols, and Learning Infrastructure for Computing Education) in association with NSF-supported project Community-Building and Infrastructure Design for Data-Intensive Research in Computer Science Education. It follows a sequence of previous SPLICE and CSEDM workshops organized at SIGCSE, EDM, AIED, ICER, and LAK conferences More information about SPLICE and past workshops can be found at
The purpose of this workshop is to engage the community or researchers who focus on the issues of computer science education at scale into the joint effort of designing and building an infrastructure for data-intensive research in Computing Education. The infrastructure should support (1) broader reuse of innovative learning content that is instrumented for rich data collection, (2) formats and tools for analysis of learner data, and (3) development of best practices to make collections of learner data available to researchers.
The workshop focus will be on how novel online learning tools inter-operate in the context of a large-scale educational process, how learner data could be collected, integrated and processed at scale, and how data analysis approaches could be accumulated, shared, and reused to improve education research efforts across the discipline and beyond. The organizers will introduce the goals of SPLICE Community, report progress to date, present a range of relevant activities, and plan future collaboration. The attendees will be able to share their relevant research, establish collaboration, get engaged in the SPLICE Community work, and obtain SPLICE funding for collaborative research in the area.
- Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh
- Ken Koedinger, Carnegie Mellon University
- David A. Joyner, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Thomas W. Price, North Carolina State University
To register for this workshop, please select this workshop when registering for Learning @ Scale 2020.