Supporting Learners’ Self-regulation in LMOOCs: What Have We Done and How Far We Can Go?

This half-day workshop aims at collecting experiences of MOOC designers and MOOC educators to discuss what has been done to  support SRL and what can be done to scaffold learners in MOOCs, particularly MOOCs for language learning purposes (LMOOCs).  For this purpose, it is planned to come together with academicians and researchers working on related subjects within the scope of  this workshop to develop a student support framework in large-scale learning environments.

In this workshop, the participants should actively participate and take part in both the face-to-face session and the discussions that  may emerge on social media (via Twitter). In line with this process, the main problems faced by individuals learning a foreign language with the help of LMOOCs will be examined following the experiences of the participants and the organizers.

Call for Participation

MOOCs welcome people who have access to the Internet and have a desire for learning the subject of their choice without any academic prerequisite needed. Our workshop welcomes participants who are interested in facilitating the regulatory learning process of those learners and implementing SRL support in MOOCs, particularly MOOCs for language learning purposes (LMOOCs). Very few experimental studies from the domain of language education have investigated SRL supports in online language learning.  The lack of research on this domain should encourage language educators and MOOC designers to explore and implement SRL support in language MOOCs.

The workshop aims at a broad target group: foreign language teachers, MOOC designers, foreign  language MOOC educators, researchers, technicians, etc. The workshop welcomes participants who are interested in sharing their  experiences and joining the discussion about potential ways to support learners’ SRL strategies in (LMOOCs). Those who are  interested in taking part in the workshop can do it through a short oral presentation or a poster. The workshop aims at 25 participants.

Participants are invited to submit a paper (either short or long) to the workshop. The contribution of researchers and  practitioners in any of the aspects mentioned in the workshop structure is welcomed. The papers will be reviewed by a review team  of academics and PhD students to assess their appropriateness of the topic. From the submissions, three papers are accepted
for oral presentations and a maximum of 5 for a poster/handout presentation, which will be displayed in specific sections of the  workshop.


  • Barbara Conde Gafaro, the Open University
  • Hilal Seda Yildiz, the Open University


To register for this workshop, please select this workshop when registering for Learning @ Scale 2020.