Best Paper Session of the International Alliance to Advance Learning in a Digital Era
In the spirit of the Festival, we host this session to underscore the value in bringing research communities together in synergy and complementarity. Specifically, we highlight award winning research from 7 different learning sciences related conference communities. For more information about the Alliance, see
This event will be on Wednesday 27th June, 11am to 1pm.
AIED: Can a teachable agent influence how students respond to competition in an educational game? Bjorn Sjoden, Mats Lind & Annika Silvervarg.
ST&D: Does Cueing Affect Cross-Text Integration Processing and Memory? Karyn Higgs.
L@S: Towards Equal Opportunities in MOOCs: Affirmation Reduces Gender & Social-class Achievement Gaps in China. Rene Kizilcec , G.M. Davis & G.L. Cohen.
ISLS: Scoring Qualitative Informal Learning Dialogue: The SQuILD Method for Measuring Museum Learning Talk. Jessica Roberts & Leilah Lyons.
EATEL: Teacher dashboards in practice: Usage and impact. Inge Molenaar & Carolein Knoop-van Campen.
SoLAR: Linking Students’ Timing of Engagement to Learning Design and Academic Performance. Quan Nguyen, Michal Huptych & Bart Rientes.
EDM: Efficient Feature Embeddings for Student Classification with Variational Auto-encoders. Severin Klingler, Rafael Wampfler, Tanja Kaser, Barbara Solenthaler & Markus Gross.
Panel Discussion of the International Alliance to Advance Learning in a Digital Era
Building the Workforce of the Future: Contributions from our Societies
The World Economic Forum estimates that up to 5 million jobs may be lost to disruptive labor changes by 2020. While recent advances in automation represent a victory for Artificial Intelligence, we are painfully aware of mounting international concerns regarding unemployment, underemployment, and the need for workers to reskill. This panel brings together leaders from 7 research communities for an agenda setting discussion that draws on a diverse body of cutting-edge work pointing to future research that has the potential to bridge practice and policy. Issues for discussion will include tensions between learning and performance in the workplace, setting learning objectives for advancement, transfer of learning theory and practices from more traditional formal learning contexts, and positioning of research alongside workforce training organizations.
This event will be on Wednesday 27th June, 6pm to 7pm.
Participants (Representing the International Alliance to Advance Learning in a Digital Era –
Carolyn Rose, chair, International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
Ryan Baker, panelist, International Educational Data Mining Society (IEDMS)
Ben du Boulay, panelist, International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (AIED)
Danielle McNamara, panelist, Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D)
Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, panelist, European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL)
Stephanie Teasley, panelist, Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)