What’s the Technical Set Up?
The easiest way to bring your presentation is on a USB stick. Those wishing to use their own laptops, there will be VGA and HDMI cables provided. For those with Mac laptops please ensure you bring your own connector, as Apple are notorious at inventing a new connector for every new model – and we cannot guarantee we will have the right thing. Some of you may be familiar with TeamMate lecterns, as pictured below, which will be in all rooms. Please note, these also have document cameras. Session chairs will be able to assist with some technical support and we will also have onsite technicians available. If you know your presentation is unusually complex, we ask that you bring it on your own laptop or check with us that it works in advance of your presentation. You have two choices of microphone – either a lectern mic, or a small, cordless lapel mic, which will become live as soon as you remove it from the TeamMate charging dock.
Arena Presenters Only
Those presenting in one of the arena areas, all the above is relevant apart from there not being TeamMate lecterns or document cameras. The arena is a large marquee which will be in the middle of Russell Square. Our technical team have worked hard to ensure that sound in each of the areas is focused on the audience, however there will be ambient noise, which should not affect your presentation unless sirens from emergency vehicles pass close by. In the unlikely event this should happen to you, please take a deep breath and repeat your sentence!
It’s About Time!
This is an incredibly busy conference and the schedule has absolutely no wriggle room. For a successful event it is essential that everyone runs to time. Full papers are twenty minutes including any questions and short papers are ten minutes including any questions. Individual session chairs will be responsible for making sure presenters don’t over run. Please remember that if you over run, you are taking someone else’s time away from them. We apologise if it seems like we’re being overly strict about time keeping, but coordinating four separate events to be successful all relies on you keeping to time! We are sparing you some more creative ideas on how we sometimes choose to keep the train on the tracks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKXDF5Bywkk
More information on it’s way.
Please check back next week when there will be updated information about registration, sponsors, our event app and much, much more. We are looking forward to welcoming you to London for what we hope will be a wonderful week!
HDMI, VGA. Team Mate.
All authors must be responsible for printing their own posters before the event. For those not wishing to travel with a poster, there are plenty of places within minutes of Russell Square that provide printing facilities. However, these tend to be expensive, busy and could take up to a day or more to prepare your poster.
The posters should be vertical and no smaller than A2 (23.4 x 16.5 in or 420 x 594mm) and no larger than A0 (33.1 x 46.8 in or 841 x 1189 mm). Materials will be available onsite for mounting posters. All authors are responsible for mounting their own posters and taking care of them after the poster session. Any posters left after the session will be cleared away.