Accepted Work-in-Progress and Demonstration Presentations


Title Authors
(A)I Will Teach You to Play Gomoku: Exploring the Use of Game AI to Teach People Qiao Zhang and Christopher Maclellan
A Blended-Learning Program for Implementing a Rigorous Machine-Learning Curriculum in High-Schools Shai Perach and Giora Alexandron
A Chatbot-Server Framework for Scalable Machine Learning Education through Crowdsourced Data Jingting Li, Ching Nam Hang, Xintong Qi and Chee Wei Tan
A Study about Future Prospects of Jupyter Notebooks in MOOCs Mohamed Elhayany, Ranjiraj Nair, Thomas Staubitz and Christoph Meinel
Advancing the democratization of research: citizen science Eileen Scanlon and Christothea Herodotou
Amazon Alexa Skills as a Novel Modality for In-service Professional Micro-Development (WIP) Andey Robins, Tiffany Hunt, Dana Robertson and Richard Carter
An Examination of Unofficial Course Reviews in a Graduate Program at Scale Bobbie Eicher and David Joyner
Analysis of the Applicability of General Scaling Laws on Course Size, Completion Rates, and Forum Activity in MOOCs Thomas Staubitz, Max Bothe, Mohamed Elhayany, Christiane Hagedorn, Sebastian Serth, Theresa Zobel and Christoph Meinel
BlockLens: Visual Analytics of Student Coding Behaviors in Block-Based Programming Environments Sean Tsung, Huan Wei, Haotian Li, Yong Wang, Meng Xia and Huamin Qu
Challenges of Scaling Programming-based Behavioral Metrics Mohit Chandarana and Elise Deitrick
Collaboration at Scale: Exploring Member Role Changing Patterns in Collaborative Science Problem-solving Tasks Hui Yang, Nonye Alozie and Arif Rachmatullah
Collaborative annotation: links to formative assessment and issues of scale for pedagogy Gavin Porter
Comparing MOOC Learners Engagement with Japanese Videos and Text to Speech Generated English Videos Sasipa Boonyubol, Shahriar Kabir and Jeffrey S. Cross
Developing Student’s Global Competencies at Scale in an Affordable MOOC K12 Outreach Initiative Chi-Un Lei and Hong Qiang Wei
Discrimination of Automatically Generated Questions Used as Formative Practice Benny Johnson, Jeff Dittel, Rachel Van Campenhout and Bill Jerome
EdTech and girls education in low- and middle-income countries: which intervention types have the greatest impact on learning outcomes for girls? Katy Jordan and Christina Myers
Effects of Framing Professional Development As A Career Growth Opportunity On Course Completion Rene Kizilcec, Jennifer Mimno and Andrew Karhan
Exploring the Relationships between Social and Teaching Presence in Video-based Informal Learning Using Network Analysis Xiuyu Chen and Shihui Feng
How COVID-19 Affected Computer Science MOOC Learner Behavior and Achievements: A Demographic Study Anindya Roy, Michael Yee, Meghan Perdue, Julius Stein, Ana Bell, Ronisha M. Carter and Shigeru Miyagawa
How Much and for Whom? A Multi-Wave Study of the Impact of Self-Regulated Learning Scaffolds on MOOC Student Academic Performance Shu-Yi Hsu and M. Shane Tutwiler
Including a Demographic Lens to Cluster Analysis of Participants in Entry-level Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Michael Meaney
Influential Text-Based Features in Predicting Admission Status of Online Degree Applicants Farahnaz Soleimani, Jeonghyun Lee, Meryem Yilmaz Soylu and Saurabh Chatterjee
Integrating Dynamic Supports into an Equity Teaching Simulation to Promote Equity Mindsets G. R. Marvez, Tianyuan Zheng, Joshua Littenberg-Tobias, Garron Hillaire, Sara O’Brien and Justin Reich
Laugh at Your Own Pace: Basic Performance Evaluation of Language Learning Assistance by Adjustment of Video Playback Speeds Based on Laughter Detection Naoto Nishida, Hinako Nozaki and Buntarou Shizuki
Learning MOOCs Alone Yet Together: Enhancing Between-Learner Social Connectivity at Scale Using Danmaku Bo Yang
LEDA: a learning analytics based framework to analyze remote labs interaction Carinna Nunes Tulha, Marco Antonio Garcia de Carvalho and Leandro Nunes de Castro
Make the Invisible Visible: Incorporating Explainable Learning Analytics to Assist Educators in Identifying Students in Need of Attention at Scale Shiva Shabaninejad, Hassan Khosravi, Solmaz Abdi, Marta Indulska and Shazia Sadiq
Math Discourse Linguistic Components (Cohesive Cues within a Math Discussion Board Discourse) Michelle Banawan, Jinnie Shin, Renu Balyan, Walter Leite and Danielle McNamara
Measuring Cultural Dimensions of Learning in Online Courses Ji Yong Cho, Yue Li, Marianne E. Krasny and Rene Kizilcec
Providing individual student feedback at scale for Mathematical Disciplines Robert Stanyon, Austin Tomlinson, Manjinder Kainth and Nicola Wilkin
Re-envisioning a K-12 Early Warning System with School Climate Factors Mengchen Su, Lukas A. Olson, Daniel C. Jarratt, Sashank Varma, Joseph A. Konstan, Rebecca Keller and Bodong Chen
Revealing Factors Influencing Students’ Perceived Fairness: A Case with a Predictive System for Math Learning Chenglu Li and Wanli Xing
Scaling Up Access to the Hidden Curriculum: A Design Methodology for Creating Undergraduate Mentoring Guides Kendall Nakai and Philip Guo
Seeking Exemplars in the Wild: Exploring How Students Find Design Examples to Support Personalized Learning Yu-Chun Grace Yen and Steven Dow
Student Use of Course Reviews at Scale Bobbie Eicher and David Joyner
Teaching and learning programming with Linux using in-browser client-side web technologies: exploring the key features for achieving systems and tools scalability Rémi Sharrock, Ewen Collin, Thibaud Labat, Ella Hamonic, Petra Bonfert-Taylor and Michael Goudzwaard
The Relationship Between COVID-19 Severity and Computer Science MOOC Learner Achievement: A Preliminary Analysis Michael Yee, Anindya Roy, Julius Stein, Meghan Perdue, Ana Bell, Ronisha M. Carter and Shigeru Miyagawa
Towards a teacher application to support semantic annotations of learning tasks in Cultural Heritage Pablo García-Zarza, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo, Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo and Juan I. Asensio-Pérez
Understanding the Relationship Between Students’ Learning Outcome and Behavioral Patterns using Touch Trajectories Jungwook Rhim and Gahgene Gweon
Using a Planning Prompt Survey to Encourage Early Completion of Homework Assignments Zachary Felker and Zhongzhou Chen
Using Chatbots to Teach Languages Yu Li, Chun-Yen Chen, Dian Yu, Sam Davidson, Ryan Hou, Xun Yuan, Yinghua Tan, Derek Phamle and Zhou Yu
Using Social Network Analysis to Explore Discussion Board Networks in Higher Education Classrooms Kimberly Williamson and Rene Kizilcec
Where are the Large N Studies in Education? Dragos Corlatescu, Stefan Ruseti, Irina Toma and Mihai Dascalu


Title Authors
Demo of Graide: AI powered assistive grading engine Robert Stanyon, Manjinder Kainth and Nicola Wilkin
Development of Scenario-based Mentor Lessons: An Iterative Design Process for Training at Scale Danielle R. Chine, Adetunji Adeniran, Shivang Gupta and Kenneth R. Koedinger
Incorporating Habitats in Conceptual Models and Agent-Based Simulations Scott Bunin, Willventchy Celestin, Andrew Hornback and Spencer Rugaber
Software Support for “A’s for All” Dan Garcia, Connor McMahon, Yuan Garcia, Mariana Silva, Matthew West and Craig Zilles