University of Copenhagen

July 20-22, 2023

Conference Theme: Learning Futures @ Scale

The widespread move to online learning during the last few years due to the global pandemic has opened up new opportunities and challenges for the Learning at Scale (L@S) community. These opportunities and challenges relate not only to the educational technologies used but also to the social, organizational and contextual aspects of supporting learners and educators in these dynamic and, nowadays, often multicultural learning environments. How the future of learning at scale will look needs careful consideration from several points of view, including a focus on technological, social, organizational, cultural, and responsible aspects of learning and teaching.

The theme of this year’s conference is the learning futures that the L@S community aims to develop and support in the coming decades. Of special interest this year are contributions that examine the design and the deployment of large-scale systems for the future of learning at scale. We are especially welcoming works targeting not only learners but also educators, educational institutions and other stakeholders involved in the design, use and evaluation of large-scale learning systems. Moreover, we welcome qualitative and mixed-methods contributions, as well as studies that are not at scale themselves but about scaled learning phenomena/environments. Finally, we welcome submissions focusing on the role of culture and cultural values in the implementation and evaluation of large-scale systems.

Important Dates

Camera-ready Version: May 21, 2023 (11:59 PM AoE)

News and Information:

  • Proceedings and we Begin!

    Proceedings are out at

  • CPH info

    Check out how to travel and where to eat in Copenhagen.

  • Posters & Presentations

    We are looking forward to welcoming you to Copenhagen next month. If you have a WIP please see this page for information about the formatting. In short A0 size and Portrait is the format.

About Learning at Scale

The Learning at Scale community investigates large-scale, technology-mediated learning environments that typically have many active learners and few experts on hand to guide their progress or respond to individual needs. Modern learning at scale typically draws on data at scale collected from current learners and previous cohorts of learners over time. Large-scale learning environments are very diverse. Formal institutional education in K-16 and campus-based courses in popular fields involve many learners relative to the number of teaching staff and leverage varying forms of data collection and automated support. Evolving forms of massive open online courses, mobile learning applications, intelligent tutoring systems, open courseware, learning games, citizen science communities, collaborative programming communities (e.g. Scratch), community tutorial systems (e.g. StackOverflow), shared critique communities (e.g. DeviantArt), and countless informal communities of learners (e.g. the Explain It Like I’m Five sub-Reddit) are all examples of learning at scale. All share a common purpose to increase human potential, leveraging data collection, data analysis, human interaction, and varying forms of computational assessment, adaptation and guidance.

The conference is hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, with the support of ACM, and Co-sponsored by Digital Futures and Copenhagen University Library KUB Nord.

Information and Location

The conference will be held at the Copenhagen University Library KUB Nord Nørre Allé 49, 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark. See more here

In conjunction with the International Conference of Computational Social Science (IC2S2) is the premier annual meeting bringing together researchers from different disciplines interested in using computational and data-intensive methods to address societally relevant problems.