Research Papers

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Investigating the Impact of Skill-Related Videos on Online LearningEthan Prihar, Aaron Haim, Tracy Shen, Adam Sales, Dongwon Lee, Xintao Wu and Neil Heffernan
All a-board: sharing educational data science research with school districtsNabeel Gillani, Doug Beeferman, Cassandra Overney, Christine Vega-Pourheydarian and Deb Roy
Convincing the Expert: Reducing Algorithm Aversion in Administrative Higher Education Decision-makingLingrui Xu, Zachary A. Pardos and Anirudh Pai
M-Powering Teachers: Natural Language Processing Powered Feedback Improves 1:1 Instruction and Student OutcomesDorottya Demszky and Jing Liu
Exploring Cross-Country Prediction Model Generalizability in MOOCsJuan Miguel Andres-Bray, Stephen Hutt and Ryan Baker
Assessing the Fairness of Course Success Prediction Models in the Face of (Un)equal Demographic Group DistributionOscar Deho, Srecko Joksimovic, Lin Liu, Jiuyong Li, Chen Zhan and Jixue Liu
Evaluating a Learned Admission-Prediction Model as a Replacement for Standardized Tests in College AdmissionsHansol Lee, Rene Kizilcec and Thorsten Joachims
Exploring Students’ Perceptions and Engagement in Hybrid Flexible CoursesLina Battestilli, Elaine Bohorquez, Sarah Khan and Cigdem Meral
Investigating the Experiences of Teaching Assistants in Introductory Computer ScienceEmma McDonald, Gisele Arevalo, Sadaf Ahmed, Ildar Akhmetov and Carrie Demmans Epp
From answering questions to commenting on the answers of others: An examination of the posting behaviours of high-reputation-score users of Stack OverflowThomas Hillman, Alena Seredko, Tanya Osborne and Markus Nivala
The Relevance of Ivan Illich’s Learning Webs 50 Years OnShayan Doroudi and Yusuf Ahmad
EliRank: A Code Editing History Based Ranking Model for Early Detection of Students in NeedJungkook Park and Alice Oh
How Learning Experience Designers Make Design Decisions: the Role of Data, the Reliance on Subject Matter Expertise, and the Opportunities for Data-Driven SupportXiaofei Zhou, Christopher Kok, Rebecca Quintana, Anita Delahay and Xu Wang
Teaching at Scale and Back Again: The Impact of Instructors’ Participation in At-Scale Education Initiatives on Traditional InstructionDavid Joyner, Ana Rusch, Alex Duncan, Jolanta Wojcik and Diana Popescu
How Common are Common Wrong Answers? Exploring Remediation at ScaleAshish Gurung, Morgan P. Lee, Sami Baral, Kirk P. Vanacore, Andrew A. McReynolds, Hilary Kreisberg, Cristina Heffernan, Aaron Haim, Nathan Smearsoll, Adam C. Sales and Neil T. Heffernan
Supporting Online Collaborative Work at Scale: A Mixed-Methods Study of a Learning Analytics ToolXavier Ochoa, Vanessa Echeverria, Gladys Carrillo, Vanessa Heredia Jimenez, Benito Auria and Katherine Chiluiza
High-Resolution Course Feedback: Timely Feedback for Course InstructorsYunsung Kim and Chris Piech
How to Open Science: Analyzing the Open Science Statement Compliance of the Learning @ Scale ConferenceAaron Haim, Robert Gyurcsan, Chris Baxter, Stacy Shaw and Neil Heffernan
LENS: Predictive diagnostics for flexible and efficient assessmentsS. Thomas Christie, Hayden Johnson, Carson Cook, Garron Gianopulos and Anna Rafferty
Interactive TA Training with GPT-based StudentsJulia M. Markel, Steven G. Opferman, James A. Landay and Chris Piech
How teachers influence student adoption and effectiveness of a recommendation system for AlgebraWalter Leite, Amber Hatch, Huan Kuang, Catherine Cavanaugh and Wanli Xing
Isolating the impact of gamification: Application of fully latent principle stratification analysis to estimate the effects of gamification for persistent learnersKirk Vanacore, Adam Sales, Allison Liu and Erin Ottmar
Crowdsourcing the Evaluation of Educational Multiple-Choice Questions: An Analysis of Item-Writing Flaws and Bloom’s TaxonomySteven Moore, Huy Nguyen, Ellen Fang and John Stamper

Works in Progress

Student Life at Scale: Humanizing the Student Experience at Scale through Belonging, Engagement, and CommunityAna Rusch, David Joyner and Alex Duncan
Utilizing Neural Network to Predict Students Aptitudes for Teaching Assistant RolesGrace Chrysilla and David Joyner
Digital access, usage, and educational outcomes: Evidence from VietnamTrang Thi Pham
Towards Scalable Vocabulary Acquisition Assessment with BERTZhongdi Wu, Eric Larson, Makoto Sano, Doris Baker and Nathan Gage
Pre-Semester Predictors of Course Retention in a Large Online Graduate CS ProgramDilek Manzak and David Joyner
The use of SMS and other mobile phone-based messaging to support education at scale: A synthesis of recent evidenceKaty Jordan, Kalifa Damani, Christina Myers and Annette Zhao
Encouraging Critical Thinking Support System: Question Generation and Lecture Slide RecommendationsSaki Inoue, Yuanyuan Wang, Yukiko Kawai and Kazutoshi Sumiya
How Civil are Comments on TikTok’s Educational Videos? Insights for Learning at ScaleHa Nguyen and Morgan Diederich
Towards Game-based Assessment at ScaleManuel J. Gomez, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente and Félix J. García Clemente
No Benefit for High-Dosage Time Management Interventions in Online CoursesJiayi Zhang, Ryan S. Baker and Thomas Farmer
Innovating at Campus Scale: the Case of \emph{State}’s \emph{Salta}August Evrard, Rebecca Matz, Erin Murray, Ben Hayward, Mark Mills and Caitlin Hayward
WIP: On Air: Benefits of weekly Podcasts accompanying Online CoursesDaniel Koehler, Sebastian Serth and Christoph Meinel
Towards the Identification of Experts in Informal Learning Portals at ScaleSofia Strukova, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente and Félix Gómez Mármol
Towards Automated Code Assessment with OpenJupyter in MOOCsMohamed Elhayany and Christoph Meinel
A Machine Learning Approach for Understanding the Educational Foci and Technical Solutions of AIEDHahohua Liu, Shihui Feng and Chen Qiao
Detecting learners’ hint inquiry behaviors in e-learning environment by using facial expressionsGuan-Yun Wang, Hikaru Nagata, Yasuhiro Hatori, Yoshiyuki Sato, Chia-Huei Tseng and Satoshi Shioiri
Efficient Transformer-based Knowledge Tracing for a Personalized Language Education ApplicationDae-Eun Kim, Changki Hong and Woo Hyun Kim
Effects of Scaling Up Non-Personalized Aspects of Apprentice-Style Research: Perceptions from Mentors and MenteesDavid Van Nguyen, Daniel A. Epstein and Shayan Doroudi
Envisioning an Inclusive Metaverse: Student Perspectives on Accessible and Empowering Metaverse-Enabled LearningReza Hadi Mogavi, Jennifer Hoffman, Chao Deng, Yiwei Du, Ehsan-Ul Haq and Pan Hui
Rethinking MMLA: Design Considerations for Multimodal Learning Analytics SystemsHamza Ouhaichi, Daniel Spikol and Bahtijar Vogel
Secure Education and Learning Research at Scale with OpenStax KineticDebshila Basu Mallick, Brittany Bradford and Richard Baraniuk
Unlocking Financial Success: Empowering Higher Ed Students and Developing Financial Literacy Interventions at ScaleBrittany Bradford, Debshila Basu Mallick and Richard Baraniuk
Does STEM Success Start Young? Exploring Higher Ed Students’ Early Academic Experiences in Science and Math at ScaleBrittany Bradford
A Scalable Architecture for Conducting A/B Experiments in Educational SettingsAndrew Hornback, Stephen Buckley, John Kos, Scott Bunin, Sungeun An, David Joyner and Ashok Goel
The L@St Eight Years: A Meta-Analysis of Papers and Authors at Learning @ ScaleAlex Duncan, Ana Rusch, Prerna Ravi and David Joyner
Ready or Not, Here I Computer Science: Trends in Preparatory Work Pursued by Incoming Students in an Online Graduate Computer Science ProgramAlex Duncan and David Joyner
Comb: Giving Feedback to Short Answer at Scale with Human-in-the-Loop Rubric CreationChristopher Kok and Xu Wang
[Anonymized for review]: Cheating Detection in Online Take-Home ExamsJui-Tse Hung, Christopher Cui, Varun Agarwal, Saurabh Chatterjee, Raghav Apoorv, Rocko Graziano and Thad Starner
Managing the Chaos: Approaches to Navigating Discussion Forums for Instructional StaffIndia Irish, Saurabh Chatterjee, Sheliza Jivani, Xiangyu Jia, Jeonghyun Lee, Rosa Arriaga and Thad Starner
Leveraging Human Feedback to Scale Educational Datasets : Combining Crowdworkers and Comparative JudgementOwen Henkel and Libby Hills
RECIPE: How to Integrate ChatGPT into EFL Writing EducationJieun Han, Haneul Yoo, Yoonsu Kim, Junho Myung, Minsun Kim, Hyunseung Lim, Juho Kim, Tak Yeon Lee, Hwajung Hong, Alice Oh and So-Yeon Ahn
Enriching Mastery Learning: Affordances of Reattempts and Video ExplanationsAshish Aggarwal, Griffin Pitts, Shayne Marusic, Leslie Harvey and Christina Gardner-Mccune
Effects of Increasing Available Attempts for Online Formative Introductory Physics ProblemsAidan MacDonagh
Developing a Prototype to Scale up Digital Support for Online Assessment DesignAndrew Cram, Corina Raduescu, Sandris Zeivots, Adele Smolansky, René F. Kizilcec, and Elaine Huber
Educator and Student Perspectives on the Impact of Generative AI on Assessments in Higher EducationAdele Smolansky, Andrew Cram, Corina Raduescu, Sandris Zeivots, Elaine Huber, and René F. Kizilcec