
Information on Presentations and WIP (timing and poster size)

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Check out the Interactive Program
L@S 2023 Program
Thursday, July 20
8:30 – 9:00 Coffee and Registration
9:00 – 12:00 Workshops / Tutorials
See Workshop descriptions
Workshop 1: Fourth Annual Workshop on A/B Testing and Platform-Enabled Learning Research (Full day Space A)
Tutorial 1: Introducing an Open-source Adaptive Tutoring System to Accelerate Learning Sciences Experimentation (Half day Space B)
10:30 – 10: 45 Break
Workshop 1 (cont.): Fourth Annual Workshop on A/B Testing and Platform-Enabled Learning Research (Full day Space A)
Tutorial 1 (cont.): Introducing an Open-source Adaptive Tutoring System to Accelerate Learning Sciences Experimentation (Half day Space B)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch and Registration
13:00- 16:00 Workshops / Tutorials
Workshop 1 (cont.): Fourth Annual Workshop on A/B Testing and Platform-Enabled Learning Research (Full day Space A)
Tutorial 2: How to Open Science: Promoting Principles and Reproducibility Practices within the Learning @ Scale Community (Half day Space B)
14:15 – 14:30 Coffee Break
14:30 – 16:00 Workshops / Tutorials
Workshop 1 (cont.): Fourth Annual Workshop on A/B Testing and Platform-Enabled Learning Research (Full day Space A)
Tutorial 2 (cont.): How to Open Science: Promoting Principles and Reproducibility Practices within the Learning @ Scale Community (Half day Space B)
16:00 – 19:00 Opening Reception
Posters, Demos and Reception
Friday, July 21
8:00- 9:00 Coffee and Registration
9:00- 9:15 Opening of L@S
9:15 – 10:15 Session 1A Fairness and Equity @ Scale,  Chair – René Kizilcec 
Assessing the Fairness, of Course, Success Prediction Models in the Face of (Un)equal Demographic Group Distribution*
Oscar Deho, Srecko Joksimovic, Lin Liu, Jiuyong Li, Chen Zhan and Jixue Liu
All A-board: Sharing Educational Data Science Research with School Districts
Nabeel Gillani, Doug Beeferman, Cassandra Overney, Christine Vega-Pourheydarian and Deb Roy
10:15-10:45 Session 1B Open Science at Scale, Chair – Alejandra Martinez Mones
How to Open Science: Analyzing the Open Science Statement Compliance of the Learning @ Scale Conference
Aaron Haim, Robert Gyurcsan, Chris Baxter, Stacy Shaw and Neil Heffernan
10:45-11:00 Coffee
11:00-12:00 Keynote: Simon Buckingham Shum, Chair – Olga Viberg
Trust, Sustainability and Learning@Scale
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Session 2 Prediction@Scale, Chair – David Joyner 
Exploring Cross-Country Prediction Model Generalizability in MOOCs*
Juan Miguel Andres-Bray, Stephen Hutt and Ryan Baker
Evaluating a Learned Admission-Prediction Model as a Replacement for Standardized Tests in College Admissions*
Hansol Lee, Rene Kizilcec and Thorsten Joachims
EliRank: A Code Editing History Based Ranking Model for Early Detection of Students in Need
Jungkook Park and Alice Oh
14:30-14:40 Coffee
14:40 – 16:05 Session 3 Instruction @ Scale I,  Chair – Thomas Hillman
Exploring Students’ Perceptions and Engagement in Hybrid Flexible Courses
Lina Battestilli, Elaine Bohorquez, Sarah Khan and Cigdem Meral
Investigating the Experiences of Teaching Assistants in Introductory Computer Science
Emma McDonald, Gisele Arevalo, Sadaf Ahmed, Ildar Akhmetov and Carrie Demmans Epp
M-Powering Teachers: Natural Language Processing Powered Feedback Improves 1:1 Instruction and Student Outcomes
Dorottya Demszky and Jing Liu
16:05-16:15 Coffee
16:15 – 17:45 Session 4 Systems and Tools @Scale, Chair – Daniel Spikol 
Convincing the Expert: Reducing Algorithm Aversion in Administrative Higher Education Decision-making
Lingrui Xu, Zachary A. Pardos and Anirudh Pai
GPTeach: Interactive TA Training with GPT-based Students
Julia M. Markel, Steven G. Opferman, James A. Landay and Chris Piech
Supporting Online Collaborative Work at Scale: A Mixed-Methods Study of a Learning Analytics Tool
Xavier Ochoa, Vanessa Echeverria, Gladys Carrillo, Vanessa Heredia Jimenez, Benito Auria and Katherine Chiluiza
18:00 – 18.15: Slack / Buffer
18:15 – 19:30 Poster Session and Reception –Light Reception (Snacks)
Saturday, July 22
8:00 – 9:00 Coffee
9:00 – 10:00 Keynote: Sasha Poquet, chair – Alejandra Martinez Mones
When Many Learners Interact: Towards Relational Processes at Scale
10:00 – 10:15 Coffee
10:15 – 11:15 Session 5 Informal Learning @ Scale, Chair- Jose A. Ruiperez Valiente
From Answering for Points to Commenting for Others, An Examination of the Posting Behaviors of High-reputation-score Users of Stack Overflow
Thomas Hillman, Alena Seredko, Tanya Osborne and Markus Nivala
The Relevance of Ivan Illich’s Learning Webs 50 Years On
Shayan Doroudi and Yusuf Ahmad
11:15 – 11:30 Coffee
11:30 – 13:00 Session 6 Assessment @ Scale, Scale: Chair – Barbara Wasson
Investigating the Impact of Skill-Related Videos on Online Learning
Ethan Prihar, Aaron Haim, Tracy Shen, Adam Sales, Dongwon Lee, Xintao Wu and Neil Heffernan
LENS: Predictive Diagnostics for Flexible and Efficient Assessments
S. Thomas Christie, Hayden Johnson, Carson Cook, Garron Gianopulos and Anna Rafferty
Crowdsourcing the Evaluation of Multiple-Choice Questions Using Item-Writing Flaws and Bloom’s Taxonomy
Steven Moore, Huy Nguyen, Ellen Fang and John Stamper
13:00- 13:45 Lunch
13:45 – 15:15 Session 7 Feedback @ Scale, Chair – Zach Pardos
How Learning Experience Designers Make Design Decisions: The Role of Data, the Reliance on Subject Matter Expertise, and the Opportunities for Data-Driven Support
Xiaofei Zhou, Christopher Kok, Rebecca Quintana, Anita Delahay and Xu Wang
How Common are Common Wrong Answers? Exploring Remediation at Scale
Ashish Gurung, Morgan P. Lee, Sami Baral, Kirk P. Vanacore, Andrew A. McReynolds, Hilary Kreisberg, Cristina Heffernan, Aaron Haim, Nathan Smearsoll, Adam C. Sales and Neil T. Heffernan
High-Resolution Course Feedback: Timely Feedback Mechanism for Instructors
Yunsung Kim and Chris Piech
15:15 – 15:30 Coffee
15:30 – 17:00 Session 8 Instruction @ Scale II, Chair – Neil Heffernan
Teaching at Scale and Back Again: The Impact of Instructors’ Participation in At-Scale Education Initiatives on Traditional Instruction
David Joyner, Ana Rusch, Alex Duncan, Jolanta Wojcik and Diana Popescu
How Teachers Influence Student Adoption and Effectiveness of a Recommendation System for Algebra
Walter Leite, Amber Hatch, Huan Kuang, Catherine Cavanaugh and Wanli Xing
Isolating the impact of gamification: Application of fully latent principle stratification analysis to estimate the effects of gamification for persistent learners
Kirk Vanacore, Adam Sales, Allison Liu and Erin Ottmar
17:00 – 17:15 CLOSING Session with Best Paper Awards
* Best Paper Contenders